Thursday, February 10, 2011


     Think drugging of our kids is not a concern?  You might if YOU were under the influence of mind-altering substances TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT -- 25% -- OF THE TIME ~!   That's how many of our kids may be being drugged, LEGALLY ~!
          It's a sign of the times, it seems: 25 percent of U.S. children are on drugs... no, not street drugs, Big Pharma's drugs!  They've got kids on ADHD drugs, statin drugs, blood pressure drugs and of course SSRI antidepressants. Ethan Huff reports on this worrisome trend: (Dec. 31, 2010)
     From my four years of experience with two providers of "group homes" in Texas, where each resident is worth around $70,000.00 per year for "professional (sic) care", they are ALL -- 100% -- on drugs with very little knowledge of or attention paid to side effects ~!   
     And the "MEDS" are SACRED ~!  They MUST get their meds, they line up morning and evening for dispensing of same, and rarely, if ever, do the providers QUESTION the prescribing doctors on the efficacy (effectiveness), or strength of these drugs.  Anyone who does question prescription drugs in this environment is branded a trouble-maker, a whistle-blower or accused of rocking the boat in many cases.
     Since this blog is new, I'm yet to research the use of psychotropic drugs in nursing homes, but the people there are EQUALLY defenseless, for the most part, the licensing oversight is pathetic and the staff poorly trained (who with a high school education is going to learn anything about pharmacology?).  But, the page just added, "ELDER CARE", will be fleshed out, as I suspect there's drug abuse among the older, infirm clients.  There are far more attorneys involved in elder care law than for the younger, disabled but hopefully this will change, sooner rather than later.

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